Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Food - what's that all about then?

So, there I was, in my pyjamas (yes, I have pyjamas, why do you care? They happen to be very comfortable and stylish. But it's not like anyone is observing my dress sense when I'm asleep is it? Is it? Erm). Mhm, in my pyjamas. I slurred to the kitchen to pour a bowl of cornflakes - pretty standard for me. It's a bland choice, but I like to think cornflakes reflect my economical situation rather than my dismal, monochromal outlook on life (which, by the way, I don't have).

So, I shovel the first spoonful into my mouth, and they hit my tongue. And I can't taste anything except milk. I can feel them crunching and showly getting soggy. But I can't taste them. And I think, "This is weird, it must be some sort of physiological anomaly to do with getting up early. Maybe it's my taste buds, they're under-stimulated overnight or something. Maybe I should eat a smint before I go to sleep." and other distracted thoughts. Then it hit me.

Cheap food is abhorrently abysmal.

It wasn't my tongue that was the problem. It was the recycled, re-coloured, re-corned Chinese toilet roll that I was loading into my mouth. I wanted to spit them out. Then I realised that doing so would be a terrible financial decision for me, and chomped them down anyway. Mr and Mrs Tesco, if you are reading this, ask yourself, 'Would I want my children eating wood mulch for breakfast?'. No, no of course you wouldn't. Then stop making this garbage.

Of course, it's not that simple. The world, including me, needs garbage. We need these tasteless calories to stay alive. And at the end of the day, isn't any food with a nice taste just a bonus?

Food for thought. (heh)

1 comment:

  1. Very true. I'm a Krispies man myself, but the same applies...!
