Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to pass exams

People are afraid of the unknown. Mankind has been afraid of the dark since the dawn of time. Normal people hate swimming in murky or deep water. People panic about exams.

I think one of the key features of exam worry is the fact that the exam is an unknown variable. You don't really know what to expect. So, the way to combat this? Be confident in yourself. Be confident in what you know, and feel prepared for what the exam could throw at you. Do practice questions. If something throws you in a mock question, revise it.

It's hard to learn something new a few days before an exam. So I find the best thing to do in the preceding days is to just casually read over what you should know, confirming in your head things that you're confident about. And again, if something comes up that you don't know, just try and quietly absorb it - don't stress!

I can't emphasise that enough. Don't stress :)

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